Category: Parent Posts

PARENT POST 9/18/2020

MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL Hello Cory Families,  I as so very proud of our Cory’s students who demonstrate their commitment to their education by attending school every day – Cory’s attendance is fantastic! Thank you parents and students for your efforts toContinue Reading

PARENT POST 9/4/2020

MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL Hello Cory Families,  Week Two is under our belts and we are so grateful for the feedback and emails in order to keep us moving in the right direction. We appreciate the partnership and support asContinue Reading


Good morning Cory community!  This is just a reminder that there is a virtual CSC meeting tomorrow afternoon, Thursday, 9/3, at 4 pm via Zoom.  Below you will find the links for Zoom and the agenda.   Zoom Link Agenda

Welcome back!

Cory Community,  Welcome to the 20-21 school year, one that is sure to be remembered! We have been on quite a wild ride since last March. I hope you and your family were able to find some peace among theContinue Reading

Parent Post 5/29/20

  MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL Thank you to the families and staff who came out to support our continuation car parade for our 5th grade students yesterday.  We are going to miss each and everyone so much! If you missedContinue Reading

Congratulations to our 5th Grade Class of 2020! We will miss you!

Join us to “clap out” our 5th graders!

MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL Cory Families, To honor our amazing fifth grade class of 2020, we are inviting you to join us for a fun Drive-Through Car Parade! We will also be hosting a livestream of the 5th grade slideshow.  ThereContinue Reading

Parent Post 5/22/2020

MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL Happy Friday! We look forward to virtually seeing you all at the auction this Saturday at 6:00! Although we will miss celebrating together, we can still come together to show and share gratitude for another successfulContinue Reading

Plan for the Week of May 25

Dear Cory Community, To honor all the students’ hard work with online learning and to end a wonderful year of learning, we are going to celebrate the end of the year with a week of fun and engaging opportunities.   Please join Ms.Continue Reading

Parent Post 5/15/2020

I apologize for the multiple emails.  We ran into a little issue with our email platform. All information is correct and updated!  Dear Cory Community, As we move closer to the end of the school year we want to thank everyone forContinue Reading

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