The Cory Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is a vital component of learning at Cory. It holds numerous family events, helps integrate new families into the Cory community, and funds classroom materials, specialized instruction and school improvements.

Membership in the PTA is voluntary but encouraged. Funds are raised primarily through our Annual Friends of Cory Campaign (fall) and our Annual Spring Auction (membership information is below).

The mission of the PTA is three-fold:

2024-2025 PTA Membership

Membership is only $15, but the impact you can have on your child’s education at Cory is priceless. As a member, you will have access to a variety of helpful resources provided by the National PTA. Most importantly, you will have a vote on any issues raised at the monthly meetings along with a voice in how we budget our finances. (You may also drop a check off at the front desk made out to “Cory PTA”).

Thank you for your support!