
Parent Post 3.10.16

Principal Update I hope you are all enjoying this beautiful weather!  We took advantage of the beautiful weather and got our March Fire Drill out of the way today (before the next snowstorm hits!). I have very important news toContinue Reading

Parent Post – 3.3.16

PTA Updates Safeway and King Soopers gift cards During the Walk your Child to Class Day tomorrow (March 4th), the PTA Board Members will be in the front lobby to provide King Soopers and Safeway grocery cards to those whoContinue Reading

Parent Post – 2.25.16

Principal Update I wanted to take a moment to thank Dana Kang and all of the parent volunteers who have organized and provided food for Staff Appreciation the past few weeks.  In order to “spread the love”, Dana had aContinue Reading

Parent Post- 2.19.16

Cory Auction – Corporate Sponsorship Our Corporate Sponsors help us reach our fundraising goals so we can ensure our children receive the best education possible.  All sponsorships are 100% tax deductible and our sponsors receive the benefits of recognition andContinue Reading

Parent Post – 2.15.16

Spring Enrichment Registration is here!!!  Rugby, golf, tennis, comic book creation, computer coding, running club, and MORE are coming to Cory this spring. Registration materials and sign-ups are on the Cory before and after school page . Register now, asContinue Reading

Parent Post – 2.5.16

ACTION ITEM:  Help us get Free Money donated to Cory! Did you know that we have the opportunity to get money donated to Cory through the King Soopers and Safeway Grocery Card program?  All we need you to do isContinue Reading

Cory Auction – Save The Date

Join us April 29, 2016 for our annual auction “Dancing through the Decades”.

Parent Post – 1.28.16

Download the New Cory Elementary Mobile App Today! We are excited to have our mobile app NOW available.  This is going to be the primary communication tool for Cory moving forward.  It’s a great way for you to easily accessContinue Reading

Parent Post – 1.21.16

We are in Broncos mode, so this week’s Parent Post is short and sweet!  GO BRONCOS!  Remember to wear BRONCOS GEAR (or your favorite team!) tomorrow for ORANGE FRIDAY! CSC Meeting- Join us!  Tonight, 4-6 PM, Library Agenda: Budget PrioritiesContinue Reading

Parent Post – 01.14.16

Orange Friday! Mayor Michael B. Hancock proclaimed Orange Friday in the City and County of Denver for tomorrow,  Friday, January 15, 2016, to support the Denver Broncos leading up to their Divisional round playoff game against the Pittsburgh Steelers. TheContinue Reading