
PARENT POST 8/24/2018

We are so excited for the new look in the library.  The new furniture will support student collaboration and flexible seating. We look forward to students enjoying the new environment as they dig into their books and special projects! TheContinue Reading


August 17, 2018Hello Cory Families, We are so excited to welcome you to a new school year!  We are looking forward to continuing the work we began last year around cultivating our student’s curiosity, challenging them intellectually and helping them develop aContinue Reading


May 18, 2018Dear Cory Community,What a wonderful Friday! Between the Volunteer Breakfast, the school talent show, and field day, our community celebrated the day in style. It was great to see all of the kids competing at a variety ofContinue Reading


Dear Cory Parents, As the year winds down I want to thank you all for your incredible support. I have had a wonderful experience at Cory  and I am looking forward to working with Joan Wieser to create a smooth,Continue Reading


May 4, 2018 Dear Cory Community, It is hard to believe we are down to the final few weeks of school! There are many exciting things happening this month. This past Monday we held a School Leadership Team full dayContinue Reading


April 27, 2018Dear Cory Community,We know that cancelling classes this Friday was a hardship for many families. It is important to understand that Colorado has several challenges facing how schools are funded and how teacher pay impacts our profession andContinue Reading

PARENT POST – 4/20/18

April 20, 2018 Dear Cory Families,  We hope to see you all this evening at The Price is Right Auction! This is an amazing event to support our school and all of the great work happening at Cory. Your donations andContinue Reading

PARENT POST – 4/13/18

April 13, 2018 Dear Cory Community,It has been a great week here at Cory. Our testing is almost finished, next week will be the last week. On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday our 3rd graders take their math tests and our 5th graders takeContinue Reading

PARENT POST – 4/6/18

April 6, 2018 Dear Cory Community, I hope you have all purchased your tickets to the upcoming auction! It promises to be a wonderful event in support of all the great work happening at Cory. Your support is necessary to provide allContinue Reading

PARENT POST – 3/23/18

3/22/18Dear Cory Community,Thank you to everyone who came to welcome Joan Wieser our incoming Principal! It was great to have a chance for Joan to meet and talk with staff and parents. We look forward to an excellent partnership nextContinue Reading