Category: Parent Posts

Parent News 1/7/2022

MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL Cory Families, Happy Friday! I want to express my gratitude for our amazing community, staff and students.  Each day, I am so thankful for the collaboration and partnership of all our stakeholders to make Cory anContinue Reading

Parent Post 12/17/2021

MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL Cory Families,  First and foremost I want to take a moment of gratitude for the outpouring of love this week. The gifts, tokens of appreciation and words of affirmation through cards made have been so thoughtfulContinue Reading

Parent Post 12/16/2022

December 16, 2021 Dear Cory Community,     I want to send a heartfelt thank you to each and every member of the Cory Family. Thank you for your generous donations during our food drive. Not only did we have enoughContinue Reading

Parent Post 12/10/2021

MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL Cory Families,  Happy Friday! I want to share an exciting STEAM project that Mrs. Miller and Ms. Fergunson are supporting students with.  Students are building their own musical instrument. It was wonderful seeing students engage in  collaborating,Continue Reading

Parent Post 1/28/2022

MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL Hi Cory Families, This is Ms. Hand the Principal for the day.  I wanted to share what I did as a principal today.  I had to share the morning announcements, completed classroom walkthroughs, deliver phonics materials,Continue Reading

Parent Post 12/3/2021

MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL Cory Families,  Happy Friday Cory Community! We had a wonderful week learning and engaging.  It is a joy each day to walk through classrooms and see the high level learning students have the opportunity to dive into. Continue Reading

Parent Post 1/21/2022

MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL Hi Cory Families, This is the student principal, Mrs.Smiley reporting on how school was today. Mrs.Wieser and I stopped in the first grade classrooms and took a photo with Mrs.Fuch’s Class because she was my first grade teacher. Continue Reading

Parent Post 10/22/2021

MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL Cory Families,  Several elementary and middle schools in DPS have been ranked among the top schools in Colorado in a brand-new ranking released Tuesday by U.S. News & World Report and Cory is one of them!!!! ForContinue Reading

Parent Post 10/14/2021

MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL With the arrival of colder weather, I wanted to let everyone know that we will continue to have recess, lunch and PE outside. Please remind students to expect to go outside each day for recess, lunch, andContinue Reading

Parent Post 10/8/2021

MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL October is Disability Acceptance month. Based on that, this week’s letter is focused on awareness and resources for inclusion and integration. National Disability Awareness Month was established in 1988 by Congress and is an opportunity toContinue Reading

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