Parent Post 8.27.15

Posted August 24, 2015

Principal Update

Welcome to your first Parent Post for the 2015/16 School Year!  It has been a week filled with excitement and joy- we are so very happy to have your children back in the building. As a reminder, the Parent Post will be on our website every Thursday, with a link sent to your email in-box.  Please also remember to “like” our Facebook Page  (facebook/coryelementary) for instant updates and fun information throughout the week!

  • Safety First!  Thank you all for following our drop-off & pick up procedures.  As a reminder, please be sure to follow the Drop-Off/Pick-Up Procedures, accessed by clicking HERE.  A few quick reminders:
  1. Florida/Steele– All of the lights now change to RED when pedestrians are crossing.  This is taking some getting used to (both on the pedestrians part and the drivers part).  We will keep two crossing guards there to help ensure safety.  In addition, we are seeking a “No right turn on red” sign to assist with this change
  2. Iowa (Kiss and Go)- Please remember there is NO PARKING on Iowa until AFTER the orange cones.  Also, students are kept on the grass area to keep the line moving smoothly.  As soon as you are the first four cars up, we will gladly get your child in the car so the next four cars can move in behind you. Please also cross at the cross walk.  When we have pedestrians crossing in-between the cars, it stalls the line and puts the students at risk for an accident.  Thank you for your cooperation with this!
  • Back to School Night- We look forward to seeing all of you TONIGHT at Back to School Night!  Click Back to School Night for more information.
  • 2015/16 Family Handbook- We have released our Family Handbook, chock full of information to help your school year run smoothly.  We are making hard copies for all 1st Grade Families and those that are new to Cory.  Those of you who were here last year received a hard copy (and not much has changed), so we are asking you to please go on-line to read this year’s version. Click Family Handbook for access.
  • Directory- We will have information on our Directory next week.  For now, please read the “Directory” page in the handbook for information on how you can be a part of the directory (if you choose) by giving us permission to release your name, email and phone number.  More information, including how to sign-up, coming next week!
  • Rainbow Calendar & Specials Schedule (PE, Art and Music)- Please click here for the updated Rainbow Calendar & Specials Schedule so you know when your child needs to be ready for PE.  

Stock Market & Semantics: Two Club Opportunities

Grace Hopley (our Gifted & Talented resource teacher) is hosting two “clubs” for our 3rd, 4th and 5th graders.  All you need to do is email Grace to sign up!

1.  Stock Market Club

Calling all the budding young investors at Cory Elementary to join our very own Stock Market Club! If you are in 3rd, 4th, or 5th Grade and are interested in learning about the free market system, beginning economics and investing, consider joining us on Tuesdays during recess in the technology lab to take part in a virtual stock market experience sponsored by the Colorado Council for Economic Education. Get involved with a small investment club and learn how to invest in the stock market, as you compete with other teams in grades 3-12 across the state. It is a lot of fun as you become financially literate! To sign up, have your parent send an email to Mrs. Hopley at Easy!

First Meeting: Wednesday, Sept. 8th

2.  Semantics Club

Calling all the great 3rd/4th/5th Great Cory Spellers:  Time to join Semantics Club!

We will be meeting this year during recess on Wednesdays in the library during 3rd grade recess and 4th/5th Grade recess. So, bring your sack lunch or join us after eating hot lunch in the cafeteria and enjoy learning about words, words, and more words, take part in friendly spelling bee club competitions and/or compete for opportunities to take part in the district spelling bees in December, January, and February!   If you are in 3rd, 4th or 5th grade and would like to join our spelling club, have your parent or guardian email Mrs. Hopley at to sign up!

First club practice will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 3rd in the library!

PTA News

The PTA is a great way to get involved, support our community, and help make decisions regarding our school. Please look for the PTA membership form coming home in Friday Folders this week. The form and $10 membership fee may be turned into the PTA mailbox in the front office. There are also many ways to volunteer this year, and the PTA needs your help to make all of the amazing events at Cory happen. Please let us know what you would be interested in helping with by circling the various activities listed on the membership form. We are offering our volunteers a pre-loaded $5 grocery card for their help, so sign up today!

PTA meetings will be held the first Friday of each month from 8:45-9:30 in the Cafeteria. Please mark your calendars to start off the year with the PTA First Friday Coffee on September 4th from 8:45-9:30. We would love to see many of you there!

We thank you in advance for your help and look forward to an incredible year!

Cindy Guillian, President

Karen Levine, Vice-President

Pam Wandry, Treasurer

Kristi Lindwall, Secretary

After School Enrichment Sign Ups

Enrichment for fall is UP on the website!! Spread the word…

Check it out at:

The registration packet and online form is there.