
Parent Post 3/7/2025

Message from the Principal  Cory Caregivers, Cory  was recently given an award from the Denver Public Schools Foundation to support reading books. This award came from the Denver Public Schools Foundation’s A to Z Grant Program, which funds materials, resourcesContinue Reading

Cory PTA Chronicles

Dear Cory Families, Welcome to this week’s edition of the Cory PTA Chronicles.  Here is our latest post: For the most up to date information check out our PTA website at Or follow us on social media! Instagram- @cory_elementary_ptaContinue Reading

Parent Post 2/28/2025

Message from the Principal  Cory Caregivers, Happy Friday!  I would like to thank the PTA for funding and providing our students with amazing fine art opportunities this week.  I wanted to take a moment to share some exciting recent experiencesContinue Reading

Cory PTA Chronicles

Dear Cory Families, Welcome to this week’s edition of the Cory PTA Chronicles. Reminder: No School on Monday 3/3! For the most up to date information check out our PTA website at Or follow us on social media! Instagram-Continue Reading

Parent Post 2/21/2024

Message from the Principal  Cory Caregivers, Happy Friday!  I wanted to take a moment to share some highlights from a wonderful week at school. Our students have been engaged in intentional small group activities that foster engaging discussions, critical thinking,Continue Reading

Cory PTA Chronicles

Dear Cory Families, Welcome to this week’s edition of the Cory PTA Chronicles. Hope to see many of you at Literacy Night tonight from 4:30-6:00! Here is our latest post: For the most up to date information check out ourContinue Reading

Parent Post 2/13/2025

Message from the Principal  Cory Caregivers, Tired of the traffic congestion and lines at Kiss and Go?  We have a great solution which is the Cory bus route.   Benefits: Please let us know if you have any questions about theContinue Reading

Parent Post 2/7/2025

Message from the Principal  Cory Caregivers, Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is an essential framework that focuses on developing students’ emotional intelligence, interpersonal skills, and self-regulation. By prioritizing SEL, schools can create a safe and welcoming environment that significantly enhances academicContinue Reading

Cory PTA Chronicles

Dear Cory Families, Welcome to this week’s edition of the Cory PTA Chronicles. Don’t forget, Dine Out next Monday, February 10th from 4-9pm with Cory at Viale! 1390 S Colorado Blvd.  Here is our latest post: For the most upContinue Reading

Cory PTA Chronicles

Dear Cory Families, Welcome to this week’s edition of the Cory PTA Chronicles. Tickets for Cory’s biggest fundraiser of the year, Sneaker Ball, are on sale! Purchase your tickets today! Here is our latest post: For the most upContinue Reading