Category: Parent Posts

Parent Post 10/28/2022

Dear Cory Community, Thank you so much for the pizza lunch on Tuesday, October 25! We are so appreciative of the love and support from our community.   We are gearing up for our fall parade. Students will get to dressContinue Reading

Parent Post 10/21/22

Dear Cory Community, The staff at Cory set goals each year to ensure continual improvement. We have an intense focus on increasing achievement and achievement growth (MGP) for our students of color and students who receive free/reduced lunch. We have severalContinue Reading

Parent Post 10/13/2022

Dear Cory Community, I would like to express my gratitude for our amazing community. Without our community partnership, we would not be able to provide opportutnies for all our students.  Thank you all for supporting our mission and vision! AContinue Reading

Parent Post 10/7/2022

Dear Cory Community,                                                      We are so excited to share our new student council representativesContinue Reading

Parent Post 9/29/2022

Dear Cory Community, We had to make a change with our conference day in October.  We had a conference day on Yom Kippur and changed the date to Oct. 6th to honor our families and staff who celebrate the holiday. Continue Reading

Parent Post 9/23/22

Dear Cory Community, Fun Run tomorrow! We look forward to seeing you at 10am on the Cory-Merrill Campus for a fun run, followed by ice cream and a dance party! We had to make a change with our conference dayContinue Reading

Parent Post 9/16/22

Dear Cory Community, We had another amazing week learning and growing together.  Student’s are engaged with high level tasks and really taking ownership of their learning.  I am so proud of our staff and students.  The districts official count day isContinue Reading

Parent Post 9/9/2022

Dear Cory Community, Thank you for your patience and support of early release days due to the extreme heat. It looks like temperatures are going to be cooler next week.  We do not anticipate anymore heat days.  However, I willContinue Reading

Cory Heat Day’s- 9/7 And 9/8

Cory Families, I hope everyone is well and staying cool. Due to the extreme heat this week, we are planning for two early release days. Wednesday, 9/7 and Thursday, 9/8, Cory will be dismissing all students at 12:30 pm.  StudentsContinue Reading

Parent Post 9/2/22

Dear Cory Community, Happy Friday! I hope everyone has a wonderful and relaxing holiday weekend! Cory will be closed on Monday, but we will see everyone back on Tuesday.  I want to share a few reminders as we move intoContinue Reading

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