Laura Hanock

4th &5th Grade Literacy Teacher


Fourth and Fifth Grade

Hello Cory Elementary Community! My name is Laura Hanock and I am very excited to have been invited to join your beautiful school! A bit about myself…

I grew up all over the United States, moving about every four years. This gave me a great appreciation for cultural differences and it taught me to find beauty in all situations. I believe that life is a magnificent journey that is meant to be enjoyed and I try to help foster that love of learning and joy in my students, helping them to realize that the world is a wonderous place that needs to be explored, physically and conceptually.

I have been teaching for about 10 years. I began this voyage working in Washington, D.C. I taught there for 5 years, teaching first grade, kindergarten and fourth grade. After getting married, we moved to Denver to seek the adventurous and outdoor lifestyle that we both craved. During this time, I have taught 4th, 5th and 6th grades, loving the challenge that each presented.

I bring equal parts of structure/ strictness and love. I am a firm believer that our children need a warm, safe, loving and caring environment to thrive. My classroom is a place where all of those things come together. I also have found that when we believe in our students, they will rise to meet the occasion. I have extremely high expectations and have yet to be let down. I encourage my students to take risks and make mistakes and truly begin appreciate the mistakes that they make, helping them to realize that each mistake is an opportunity to learn. I also feel that strong relationships with my students and with each other help to ensure that every student feels safe enough to take those necessary risks.

I appreciate the opportunity to work with all of you and I am so excited to continue my journey at Cory Elementary and cannot wait to see what the future holds.