School Choice & Enrollment Information

SchoolChoice 2025-2026

SchoolChoice is as easy as Find, Apply, Register!

DPS believes all families should have equitable access to the schools they feel are the best fit for their students, regardless of their background or where they live in Denver. That’s what SchoolChoice is all about.

The DPS SchoolChoice Round 1 open enrollment window for the 2025-26 school year opens at 10 a.m. on Jan. 15 and runs through Feb. 18, 2025 at 4 p.m. Please direct families to for more information.

Here’s how it works:

  1. FIND information about DPS school options for your student. Use the mobile-friendly School Finder, read the Enrollment Guides (the 2025 Enrollment Guides will be available before Round 1) and contact schools directly for more information about their programs and culture.
  2. APPLY anytime between 10 a.m. Jan. 15 and 4 p.m. Feb. 18, 2025 by ranking your preferred schools using the online SchoolChoice application. Simply create an account or use your Parent Portal username and password. Then, access the application beginning at 10 a.m. Jan. 15.
  3. REGISTER with your school after you get your school placement results in late March 2025.
Round 1 of SchoolChoice for the 2025-26 school year opensJanuary 15 2025 
Round 1 of SchoolChoice for the 2025-26 school year closesFebruary 18, 2025 at 4:00 p.m.

SchoolChoice Round 1 is for any student who wants or needs to attend a new school for the following school year. This particularly impacts transitioning students who are typically incoming kindergarten, sixth- and ninth-grade students moving into a new school due to their grade level. All incoming ECE students, as well as incoming students who reside in an enrollment zone, must complete an application.

Families can apply here. Families with existing Parent Portal accounts can log in using their username and password and families who do not have Parent Portal accounts will set up a new account.

How the lottery process works:

At the end of Round 1, when all applications have been submitted, the Choice algorithm will be run. This algorithm will randomly assign all participating students a lottery number between 1 and 1,000,000. Students are also assigned a priority level for each of the schools they selected based on pre-determined priority categories published by each school.

The algorithm will then rank and stack students within each priority category based on their randomly assigned lottery number. This produces an ordered (ranked and stacked) list of students for every grade at every school. The system then allocates seats to students based on the order in which they fall on this list; the system then assigns waitlist numbers to all students who do not obtain a seat in order of how they were ranked and stacked.

We’re thrilled that thousands of families submitted a SchoolChoice Round 1 application! Round 1 applicants will be notified of their matches in late March. 

Round 2 of School Choice is on a first-come, first-served basis, within school priority groups, and is for families who missed Round 1; took part in Round 1 but want to re-explore their options; or are new to DPS for next school year. Round 2 opens following the release of Round 1 results. To submit a Round 2 application sign into your SchoolChoice account and apply to your preferred schools. If you don’t have an account, you can create one using your email address or a current Parent Portal log-in. You can also call the Choice Hotline at 720-423-3493 for assistance with submitting a Round 2 application.

Round 2 begins every year after families are notified of their Round 1 school placements, and ends in late August. This year, Round 2 will open in late April. Families can learn more about Round 2 here.

Round 2 of SchoolChoice Opens April 8

The Round 2 application will open on April 8 at 10 a.m. Round 2 is for families who: 

Applications for Round 2 are processed on a first-come, first-served basis within school admission priorities

Questions? Contact Enrollment Services at 720-423-3493 or

Note: ECE4 enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year is managed by UPK Colorado. Round 2 does not apply for ECE4.

Check out our FAQ for a larger overview of the SchoolChoice process. If you need additional help or have questions, start by contacting the SchoolChoice hotline at 720-423-3493, emailing or contacting your child’s school.

 Families can apply here. Families with existing Parent Portal accounts can log in using their username and password and families who do not have Parent Portal accounts will set up a new account. 


There are a few different processes you will go through depending on your specific situation:

Do you need to enroll in a DPS school? The first step is determining your neighborhood – or boundary – school. This is the school at which your student has a guaranteed seat. Click here to determine your neighborhood school.

Find your neighborhood school

Are you a Denver resident new to DPS? You may enroll directly at the neighborhood school that serves your address. Click here to determine your neighborhood school. To enroll, contact the school office directly for registration dates, forms and required documents.

In some parts of Denver, DPS uses shared boundary enrollment zones. An enrollment zone is a geographic area in which students are guaranteed a seat at one of several schools, rather than one particular school. Click here for more information on DPS enrollment zones.

Cory Elementary School Choice Priorities through the choice system and the process Cory-Elementary-Choice-2024.25