Posted March 7, 2025
Message from the Principal
Cory Caregivers,
Cory was recently given an award from the Denver Public Schools Foundation to support reading books. This award came from the Denver Public Schools Foundation’s A to Z Grant Program, which funds materials, resources and opportunities that fall outside classroom budgets, and have a lasting impact on students. The A to Z Grant has funded more than $3 million to schools in DPS since the program’s inception in 2006. You can learn more about DPS Foundation and support the A to Z Grants on their website.
The A to Z Fund is funded through collective donations made to the DPS Foundation from organizations, companies, individuals and foundations. Every dollar makes a difference in the support of our educators and students.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Joan and Anna
Upcoming Events
Do you have Cory Gear that you would like to retire and give a 2nd home to?
Please bring the items to the building and we will be happy to give your items to another student that would love to wear it. There is a basket in the lobby for items, if you would like to donate.
Immigration Resources for Families
A Family Resource Toolkit is available in English and Spanish, and contains information and resources about rights, current DPS policies, training, mental health support, DPS resources, community resources and more. To request the toolkit in another language, email
New Vocabulary Words for the month:
keen, refinement, embodiment, guild
We are excited to announce the Summer Academy, running from June 9-July 3, for students below and significantly below grade level. This program will enhance math and literacy skills while fostering creativity and social growth. Program Highlights: Math and Literacy focus.
Schools will start at 8 a.m. or 8:30 a.m. with sessions lasting four hours. Some schools may offer all-day sessions based on need. Registration opens later this winter with limited spaces. We will let you know when registration is live, but you will also receive notification from DPS if your student qualifies for this free opportunity. If you have questions, contact the DPS Activities team or email
We are excited to announce the Summer Academy, running from June 9-July 3, for students below and significantly below grade level. This program will enhance math and literacy skills while fostering creativity and social growth. Program Highlights: Math and Literacy focus.
Schools will start at 8 a.m. or 8:30 a.m. with sessions lasting four hours. Some schools may offer all-day sessions based on need. Registration opens later this winter with limited spaces. We will let you know when registration is live, but you will also receive notification from DPS if your student qualifies for this free opportunity. If you have questions, contact the DPS Activities team or email
Hi Families,
As a part of our Student Facing Equity Experience and Transformative Social Emotional and Academic Learning (TSEAL) Curriculum, we are learning about diversity in class starting in March! To that end, we have an optional school-wide homework assignment! We are hoping that you and your children would like to share your ideas about what makes your family special. You could share about your cultural heritage, different languages you speak, and even special celebrations you enjoy. We would love to hear more about you!
If you are willing and comfortable, please send me a video of yourself or your child answering a few of the questions below. I will share these videos with the class starting March 4th. The video must be 2 minutes or less in length. You can email the video, or send it in a Dojo message (to your classroom teacher)!
Thank you.
Cory TSEAL Daily Lessons
Random Acts of Kindness (RAOK)
We have taken our CASEL approved, highly effective, evidence-based Kindness in the Classroom® social emotional learning curriculum and made it better. By including a focus on equity, teacher self-care, and digital citizenship, we are excited to share a more engaging, relatable, and inclusive curriculum.
Free lesson plans:
Second Step
Parent Restorative Practices Toolbox
DPS’ Extended Learning and Community Schools (ELCS) will be offering three different camp options this summer. Please see below:
For questions, email, and