Posted March 21, 2025
Message from the Principal
Cory Caregivers,
I am thrilled to announce that the Creative Cougars team from Cory Elementary has won 3rd place in the Destination Imagination regional tournament and will be advancing to the state tournament in April! The students were overjoyed to see the results of their hard work.
A heartfelt thank you to Jamie Yan for her dedicated leadership and to the supportive families of the Lyders, Lin, and Yeldandi. The talented team members include Amelia Lee, Ashton Lin, Sophie Lyders, and Ananth Yeldandi.
Congratulations to our Creative Cougars!
New celebrations!
Each week we are going to highlight a classroom in which students follow expectations and keep our shared spaces clean with the Golden Trashcan. This week Ms. Tilson’s class won the honor and will display the Golden Trashcan in their classroom.
Each week, we are going to highlight a classroom in which students follow expectations and use problem solving strategies with peers during recess with the Golden Basketball. This week Mrs. Trujillo’s class won the honor and will display the Golden Basketball in their classroom. New classrooms will be selected to win every Monday.
As always, please feel free to reach out with any questions, concerns or suggestions.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Joan and Anna
Upcoming Events
Do you have Cory Gear that you would like to retire and give a 2nd home to?
Please bring the items to the building and we will be happy to give your items to another student that would love to wear it. There is a basket in the lobby for items, if you would like to donate.
Immigration Resources for Families
A Family Resource Toolkit is available in English and Spanish, and contains information and resources about rights, current DPS policies, training, mental health support, DPS resources, community resources and more. To request the toolkit in another language, email
New Vocabulary Words for the month:
keen, refinement, embodiment, guild
We are excited to announce the Summer Academy, running from June 9-July 3, for students below and significantly below grade level. This program will enhance math and literacy skills while fostering creativity and social growth. Program Highlights: Math and Literacy focus.
Schools will start at 8 a.m. or 8:30 a.m. with sessions lasting four hours. Some schools may offer all-day sessions based on need. Registration opens later this winter with limited spaces. We will let you know when registration is live, but you will also receive notification from DPS if your student qualifies for this free opportunity. If you have questions, contact the DPS Activities team or email
The BESS Social Emotional SPRING screener is OPEN! Parents and guardians, please complete this for your student, we conduct this screener 3x per school year. NEW! 1st-2nd grader parents are REQUIRED to complete the BESS parent screener for their child. 1st-2nd grade parents can complete it digitally OR complete the paper copy sent home in Friday Folders and return it to their classroom teacher before spring break. The class with the most parent BESS completion will be rewarded. 3rd-5th grade parents are highly encouraged but not required to complete the BESS parent screener. Thank you for your participation in supporting our students’ social and emotional well-being!
Cory TSEAL Daily Lessons
Random Acts of Kindness (RAOK)
We have taken our CASEL approved, highly effective, evidence-based Kindness in the Classroom® social emotional learning curriculum and made it better. By including a focus on equity, teacher self-care, and digital citizenship, we are excited to share a more engaging, relatable, and inclusive curriculum.
Free lesson plans:
Second Step
Parent Restorative Practices Toolbox