Parent Post 2/21/2024

Posted February 21, 2025

Message from the Principal 

Cory Caregivers,

Happy Friday!  I wanted to take a moment to share some highlights from a wonderful week at school. Our students have been engaged in intentional small group activities that foster engaging discussions, critical thinking, and problem-solving strategies. It’s truly inspiring to see their growth!

We are also continuing our focus on building friendships among students. We emphasize the importance of using kind and respectful language, as well as effective problem-solving strategies when conflicts or mean moments arise. These skills are essential in helping our students navigate their social interactions positively.

We deeply appreciate your partnership in this journey. Together, we can ensure that our students’ hearts feel safe, allowing their minds to learn and thrive in a supportive environment.

Thank you for your continued support, and here’s to many more great weeks ahead!

Joan and Anna 

Upcoming Events 

  • Feb 24th – PTA In house Field Trip Inside the Orchestra 3 – 5
  • Feb 26th – PTA WorkOut @ Trans Fitness
  • Feb 26th – PTA Author Visit for 1st & 2nd 
  • March 3rd – No Students – Teacher Work Day
  • March 5th – Spring Individual Pictures
  • March 5th – 5th Grade Class Picture 
  • March 9th – Daylight Savings Starts
  • Mar 12th – PTA Dine Out – Chipotle 
  • Mar 17th – BESS Screening Window Opens 
  • Mar 20th- CSC meeting at 4:00- Library
  • March 24th – March 30 – Spring Break
  • March 31st – No School Cesar Chavez Day
  • April 3rd – PTA Program Ready, Tech & Go @ 4:30
  • April 12th P-PTA Dine Out @ Chipotle
  • April 7th CMAS testing begins
  • April 11th – PTA Dine Out – Modern Market  

Hi Families,

As a part of our Student Facing Equity Experience and Transformative Social Emotional and Academic Learning (TSEAL) Curriculum, we are learning about diversity in class starting in March! To that end, we have an optional school-wide homework assignment! We are hoping that you and your children would like to share your ideas about what makes your family special. You could share about your cultural heritage, different languages you speak, and even special celebrations you enjoy. We would love to hear more about you!

If you are willing and comfortable, please send me a video of yourself or your child answering a few of the questions below. I will share these videos with the class starting March 4th. The video must be 2 minutes or less in length. You can email the video, or send it in a Dojo message (to your classroom teacher)! 

  • What is your name? 
  • What countries do our family members come from?
  • Do we speak any languages other than English at home?
  • What are some different traditions our family celebrates?
  • What are you most proud about our family’s culture?
  • Is there a special holiday we celebrate that is different from what my friends celebrate?
  • Are there any special foods that are important in our family’s culture?
  • How does our family celebrate diversity, and what does it mean to us? 
  • Is there anything else that you would like to share?

Thank you.

We are SO EXCITED to announce that we are opening a SECOND Cory Girls on the Run team for the Spring 2025 due to the high amount of interest! Registration is now open and will be first come first serve for any 3rd-5th grade girls interested. The girls that register for this team (Purple Cory Team) will have different coaches than the girls who already registered (Pink Cory Team).

Practices will be Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:15-4:30 PM at Cory. The season will run March 4th to May 17th, with the end of season 5K on May 17th. If you have any questions, please reach out to Ms. Wilberg.

Register here NOW!

Cory TSEAL Daily Lessons 

Random Acts of Kindness (RAOK)

We have taken our CASEL approved, highly effective, evidence-based Kindness in the Classroom® social emotional learning curriculum and made it better. By including a focus on equity, teacher self-care, and digital citizenship, we are excited to share a more engaging, relatable, and inclusive curriculum. 

Free lesson plans: ​​

Second Step

DPS TSEAL Manual 24/25 

Parent Restorative Practices Toolbox

Our Kids Heart Challenge program has come to a close and we are so grateful for your support and dedication!

A heartfelt thank you to our Cory Elementary School families for your engagement and involvement in any way you were able! We are so grateful for what you have helped our community achieve- we are thrilled announce the impact our school had:

We raised $15,751.19 of our $20,000.00 goal! 

103 Families engaged in Kids Heart Challenge

30 Families completing Finn’s Lifesaving Mission

$15,751.19 were raised to support the American Heart Association

We are proud of our partnership with the American Heart Association, their impact affects us all, things like:

  • The tobacco buying age
  • Nutrition access
  • CPR Trainings
  • Congenital Heart Defect Research (1/100 babies are born with CHD!)