Posted February 19, 2021
We had a wonderful week filled with student collaboration, rich discussions and meaningful tasks to bring learning to life. I am so proud of how our students engage and connect each day to own their learning. This is due to the strategic and thoughtful planning of our staff to ensure that students have opportunities to apply learning and skills in a meaningful task. Thank you for sharing your wonderful kiddos with us each and everyday.
In the next couple of weeks, I will be sharing tentative plans on how Cory will be supporting CMAS and students who opt-out. Please do not forget to complete the survey to help with our planning. We appreciate the partnership.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Joan Wieser
Thank you to everyone who has volunteered at Kiss n Go before and after school. We have a few spots available to finish out the month. We really appreciate the help. It is only 10-15 minutes of your time right before and right after school.
Mark your calendars for Saturday, May 22 at 6:00 PM! We’ve partnered with Footer’s Catering to provide a Mardi Gras themed dinner menu for both adults and kids along with various cocktail packages.
We are faced with raising almost $300,000 to maintain our extraordinary learning environment. Denver taxes don’t come close to funding our vision of a first-rate education for our children. This year the Cory Auction needs to provide about 70% of the Cory PTA fundraising!
Find out more atour Cory MASKerade website
Our very Mrs. Hanock has a great opportunity to build skills with students.