Posted October 14, 2020
We had a wonderful time welcoming our 1st grade students to school this week. The level of excitement and joy was incredible. We can’t wait until all of our Cougars are back in our building. Children were so aware of the social distancing rules, zombie arms, airplane arms, lunch outside, new recess rules. I am so impressed with your students! Please continue to reinforce these rules at home so we can support the same messaging.
Please make sure you are completing the health screen for your students before they come to school each day. We will also do a quick check, but appreciate you taking the time to fill out a brief health survey. Here is the Safe Access Link
I want to thank the PTA for providing treats and a wonderful lunch for the staff this week as we prepared our classrooms for the return to in-person learning. We appreciate the support and kindness.
Some wonderful Cory artists provided inspirational messages all over the blacktop and sidewalks to show support for our staff. The staff loved seeing the messages and really made our week so much more enjoyable!
YouTube Update:
I sent a link to block YouTube last week, and it doesn’t work because DPS is blocking those extensions. To block YouTube, it will have to be pushed out from the district. However, this would not allow staff to use this resource for remote and in-person learning. We are meeting as a staff next week to discuss priorities and use of YouTube. I will share with the community with next steps for YouTube next week.
A few reminders:
To help prepare students for what in-person learning will be like, we are hosting a Health & Safety Day for all Cory students who are returning to in-person learning.
On Monday October 12th, 1st grade will begin full days with the full class from 8:45-2:45 Monday – Thursday.
On Oct. 13th ,14th and 15th, students will be assigned a day based on the first letter of their last name so siblings will have the same day. This will allow teachers to go over all of the new routines and procedures with small groups of 7-9 students. Then, on October 21st, 2nd grade will begin full days with the full class.
On Oct. 13th and 14th, students will be assigned a day based on the first letter of their last name so siblings will have the same day. This will allow teachers to go over all of the new routines and procedures with small groups of students. Then, on October 21st, they will begin full days with the full class.
Virtual Learning:
Students who will be virtual will engage with their new virtual teachers.
Specials Update:
Beginning November 2nd, Cory families will have the opportunity to participate in a monthly specials project designed by the Cory specials teachers. A different specials class will be offered every month. These projects will be school-wide and can be worked on as a family or as an individual. Family Challenges will provide fun and meaningful learning experiences to students, give families new and interesting activities to bond over, and allow families to work on specials together and at their own pace.
These challenges will replace remote after-school specials, and students will not have individual specials Seesaw activities posted after the current rotation ends on Friday, Oct. 23.
Cory Family Challenges designed by the specials teachers will be located at the Cory Library/Technology wiki beginning November 2, 2020. Looking ahead families can get excited for our first Cory Family Challenge: PE in November!
Thank you for your flexibility and understanding during these unusual times. We are looking forward to welcoming our students back to school and continuing virtual learning!
As always, please feel free to reach out with any questions, concerns or suggestions.
Joan Wieser
As many of our students are returning to our building, now is a great time to turn in any library books that have been living in your homes! Please search high and low for missing library books and bring them in to your classroom teacher. Teachers will get them back to the library. I am happy to announce that students are able to check out library books this school year! It will definitely look a little different since the library cannot be open to groups of students. However, students are welcome to place a hold will searching for books in our online catalog, Destiny Discover. I will fill their holds, and then deliver the books to their classrooms. Here are simple directions:
Please feel free to begin using our hold process! Our library books have been very lonely!
Dawn Miller
Teacher Librarian/Technology Teacher
When we return to in-person learning, it is important to know that the Cory nurse will only be at Cory on Mondays, Wednesday, and Thursdays. If you have medications that need to be dropped off, they need to be brought on one those days as they need to be given to the nurse only.
If a student needs to take medications at school, the following requirements must be met:
NOTE: Due to liability factors, over-the-counter medications, including but not limited to cough medicine, cough drops, Tylenol, ibuprofen, and stomach medication cannot be administered at school.
Medication forms are listed below
We will have a virtual parent meeting on Tuesday, Oct 13 at 5:30-6:15pm. We will discuss ACCESS testing and how to understand your child’s ACCESS scores. Please let Kara Butte know if you need a translator for this meeting.
Google meet link: