Posted October 4, 2024
Upcoming Events Sept 24th – October 8 – Count Window October 8th -PTA Dine Out @ Campus Lounge Oct 8th – Family/Teacher Conferences Oct 9th – Walk to School Day Oct 9th – Parent/Teacher Conferences Oct 10th – Non Contact Day – Teacher Work Day Oct 11th – Student Non Contact Day Oct 14th – Student Non Contact Day Oct 15th – Picture Retake Day October 24th – CSC Meeting @ 4:00 Oct 25th – Coffee with the Principal & Assist Principal @ 8:15 Oct. 31st Fall Parade- more information to come | Message from the Principal Cory Families, Next week teachers will be hosting Family Teacher Conferences. Please make sure you have signed up to meet with your student’s teacher. We will be offering a parent education night about how to respond to bullying on Oct. 30th at 4:00. We are so excited to share our policy and how families can partner to support students. Please RSVP for this event. Interpretation services will be available. At Cory, we will teach all our students 4 new whole school words every month. They will be words the students are unlikely to hear in everyday conversations, but will encounter when reading. Students with bigger broader vocabularies tend to be better readers. (Lehr et al., 2006) Did you know that students in elementary school need to acquire 3,000 new words each year to maintain average reading and writing growth? (Verhoeven and Snow, 2002) Our hope is you will partner with us and attempt to use these words in your life outside of school. Students will be able to share when they heard or used the words each month by writing about it and placing it in a bucket outside room 204. This month’s words are emulate, foliage, decorously, luxuriate. We hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! |
The “Your Voice/Tu Voz” survey will be open Oct. 8 through Nov. 1! What does this mean for you?WHAT? The “Your Voice/Tu Voz” Family Survey is designed to measure the extent to which Denver Public Schools is helping parents and guardians feel welcomed, involved and informed. Your input will help us learn how to better support you, so that you can best support the academic success of your student(s).All responses are anonymous and confidential.WHY? At the school level, your input helps principals, teachers and school staff understand what is working well and what needs to be addressed to improve our schools. At the district level, your feedback helps evaluate the performance of DPS leadership. Your voice matters greatly.WHO? If you are the parent or guardian of a DPS student, we want to hear from you. |
Cory TSEAL Daily Lessons Unit 1: Positive School and Class Culture Unit 2: Self Awareness Unit 3: Self Regulation Random Acts of Kindness (RAOK) We have taken our CASEL approved, highly effective, evidence-based Kindness in the Classroom® social emotional learning curriculum and made it better. By including a focus on equity, teacher self-care, and digital citizenship, we are excited to share a more engaging, relatable, and inclusive curriculum. Free lesson plans: Second Step DPS TSEAL Manual 24/25 |
Restorative Justice TSEAL/ RJ Tools Restorative Practices |
Bullying Parent Packet Commanding Social Media Bullying Procedures and Policies Zero Tolerance Presentation Bullying Intervention Toolbox |
Inclusion Inclusion Resources |
Parent/Caretaker Dashboard:
We are looking forward to sharing our traditional Thanksgiving Lunch with you!
Thanksgiving Lunch will be November 21st. Please fill out the form if you are going to attend lunch. We will need to provide the district with final numbers on families that are going to be in attendance for this event and have lunch by the end of the day, Thursday October 17, 2023.