Breakfast & Lunch

We serve free breakfast for all students (if they would like one) from 8:30 to 8:45 a.m. daily. Below are common websites to access information regarding DPS Breakfast and Lunch programs.

Healthy School Meals for All: Complete the You Benefit! Form Now

All students in DPS will have access to free healthy, nutritious school meals beginning in the 2023-24 school year thanks to the Healthy School Meals for All program approved by Colorado voters! While meals will be provided for free to all DPS students through Healthy School Meals for All, families will still need to complete a form to ensure DPS gets full access to available federal funding.

What this means for families:

Learn more about the Healthy School Meals for All program in a short video in English and Spanishthis flier (Spanish is on page 2), or by visiting the Healthy School Meals for All website.

If you have questions about completing the You Benefit! form, please contact the DPS Food & Nutrition Services department by calling 720-423-5600 or emailing the inbox.


You can also easily access all menus in the SchoolCafé app, which can be downloaded through the App Store or Google Play.

Families can also access the menus through the SchoolCafé website. Useful features include:

100 Lunch Box Ideas

Protein-Rich Foods


Items for Thermos



Savory Snacks


Fun Extras