Parent Post – November 3, 2017

Posted November 3, 2017

Hello Cory Community,

I hope you all had a lovely fall break with your families. Our staff was busy here at school working on planning our next instructional units using our backwards design model. Teams worked collaboratively during these two days to plan their upcoming units in both math and literacy. Teachers also engaged in work around student culture and expectations as well as diving into our book studies more deeply.

In student special project news our  4th graders are starting to film their “green screen” movies in the library.  Students  have researched different ecosystems during library/technology time, and have written the film scripts in their classrooms. Students are loving becoming budding filmmakers!

And lastly in student news, we approach a time of year where we stop to recognize the things we are thankful for, as well as think about how we might help others less fortunate, it is amazing to see some of the wonderful projects students are engaged with. To name just a few –our Student Council organized the Unicef drive for natural disaster relief, Girl’s on the Run has organized a donation drive for the Denver Dumb Friends League and our upper grade classrooms are working on understanding the experience of student refugees from South High School. These learning experiences provide a meaningful opportunity for kids to better understand their world as well as to realize that they can make a positive difference.

Finally, I know there are many questions as we move towards our holiday breaks, surrounding the upcoming Principal Selection process. The timeline has not yet been specifically determined however we are most likely looking at launching the process in December. Below you will find the district process that is used across schools in the city:

  1. Candidates must complete a very rigorous and multiple step process (using data to determine school needs, demonstrate the ability to manage a budget, role playing that replicates situations leaders deal with, teacher coaching, extensive interview/application processes) to gain entry into the candidate pool.
  2. Once a candidate is admitted into the candidate pool, they are able to apply for specific school vacancies.
  3. When a school has a vacancy, the staff and community participate in a process to identify the qualities and characteristics they are looking for in the next leader. Interested staff and community members are also offered the opportunity to apply to be part of the hiring committee. The committee is selected in order to be representational of the community.
  4. The committee and the Instructional Superintendent (IS) use the information re: qualities/characteristics to craft interview questions and to review the potential candidates for consideration.
  5. Interviews are conducted by the committee. These result in the identification of 2 or 3 finalists.
  6. The finalists participate in a learning walk where they observe teachers and identify areas for coaching and continued development (these walks occur at different schools for fairness).
  7. Sometimes candidates participate in an additional process where they demonstrate their ability, through scenarios based on the actual school/school community, to truly support the needs of the school and/or address the issues within the school.
  8. The finalists participate in a community forum where all of the questions are generated by the audience. All audience members fill out a feedback form naming strengths/growth areas for each candidate.
  9. Throughout the entire process, the Instructional Superintendent writes a report adding information after each portion of the process is completed.

I will continue to keep you updated as the process timeline is announced. Have a wonderful long weekend!


Elizabeth TenCate
Interim Principal
Cory Elementary


Spirit Gear

Spirit Gear will be arriving November 6th! Orders will be distributed to classrooms. We look forward to seeing you in your Cory gear!


Cory Open House 

Open House- January 17
Come share a cup of coffee with other prospective parents, current Cory parents, Cory teachers and our principal.  In a small group, parent volunteers will lead a detailed campus tour, visiting classrooms and observing students.  We will try to end by 10:30 with ample time to ask questions. We are delighted to show you our school.  This event is designed for parents (please share this information with prospective parents you may know).


Cory Book Fair:  November 13-16

Yee Haw!  Cory’s Annual Book Fair is coming to town November 13 – 16 (the week before Thanksgiving Break)!  Get your cowboys and cowgirls ready to support literacy at home and at Cory – all book fair profits support Cory classrooms and the Cory library!

WANTED:  Volunteers!   We are still in need of more hands, from setting up the fair next Thursday, Nov. 9 and helping with class previews Nov. 9-10, to shifts during the fair Nov. 13-16, and finally to breaking down at the end.  Even if this is your first rodeo, we’d love your help!  Sign up here:   You will have to create a Scholastic account if you don’t have one, but it is fast and easy.

Saddle Up for the Student Bookmark Contest!  Bookmark entries must be submitted to classroom teachers by Monday, Nov. 6 for a chance to win a $10 gift certificate to the Book Fair (one winner chosen per classroom).

Pardners out of state?  Invite them to shop Cory’s Online Book Fair, running Sunday, Nov. 6 through Sunday, Nov. 26.   This fair is the online component of our in-school fair, but can be a great source for less-common titles we may not have in the Auditorium.  Proceeds combine with our in-school Book Fair profits to support Cory classrooms and the Cory library!  Cory’s Online Book Fair can be found here:

Thank you,

Kristi Lindwall, Milli Wolfson and Sam Sturhahn (Book Fair Co-Chairs)


Cory Grounds Clean Up Day:  Sunday, Nov 5. 9-noon

Come join your Cory classmates and neighbors for the Cory Grounds Clean Up Day this Sunday!  There will be lots of leaves to rake and mulch to spread (and leaf piles to jump in, and donuts to eat…), so we need all the help we can get!  Students, parents, siblings, alums, grandparents, and any other Cory fans welcome!  Adult-sized tools, wheel barrows, and leaf bags will be provided, but we could use a few folks with portable leaf-blowers, and feel free to bring any kid-sized gear for young helpers.  Advance RSVP appreciated, but drop-ins welcome too!


Cory’s Annual Thanksgiving Lunch

Cory will be hosting our Annual Thanksgiving Lunch this year on Thursday, November 16th.  Look for ticket forms to come home in your child’s Friday Folder.  You can also access the form by clicking THANKSGIVING PAYMENT FORM.  Ticket prices are $5.00 per adult and $3.00 for non-students.  Cash or check only.  Please make checks payable to the Cory Lunchroom.  Tickets need to be purchased by Monday, November 13th.